3 Day Supply list
3 Day Supply Kits
Water- 1 gallon per person per day (a week supply of water is preferable)
Water purification kit or bleach
First aid kit and first aid book
Precooked, nonperishable foods, such as canned meats, granola bars, instant soup & cereals, etc.
Baby supplies: bottle, pacifier, soap, baby powder, clothing, blankets, baby wipes, disposable diapers, canned food and juices.
Non-electric can opener
Antibacterial and wipes or gel
Blanket or sleeping bag per person
Portable radio or portable TV and extra batteries
Flashlight and extra batteries
Essential medications
Extra pair of eyeglasses
Extra house and car keys
Fire extinguisher-ABC Type
Food, water, leash and carrier for pets
Cash and change
Seasonal change of clothes, including sturdy shoes
Sanitation Supplies:
• Large plastic trash bags for waste, tarps and rain ponchos
• Large trash can
• Bar soap and liquid detergent
• Shampoo
• Toothpaste and toothbrushes
• Feminine hygiene supplies
• Toilet paper
• Household Bleach
• Rubber Gloves
Stocking up now on emergency supplies can add to your family’s safety and comfort during and after a disaster. Store enough supplies to last for at least three days, preferably seven days, in one place.
Robeson County Shelter List
NOTE: Shelters will be identified September, 10, 2017 in the afternoon
If you have any concerns with Hurricane Irma please call 910-671-3151 or 910-671-3153. These numbers are active 24 hours a day.
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