Sharon Robinson
Email: sharon.robinson@robesoncountync.gov
Assistant Director:
Matthew Stephens
Email: matthew.stephens@robesncountync.gov
Administrative Operations Coordinator:
Dwayne Black
Email: dwayne.black@robesoncountync.gov
1519 Carthage Road, Section 6,
Lumberton, NC 28358
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:15 am – 5:15 pm
Telephone: (910) 618-5679 TTY: 800-735-2962
(910) 618-5697
(910) 618-5696
Fax: (910) 618-5716 Voice: (877) 735-8200
South East Area Transit System (SEATS) is Robeson County’s Community Transportation Program. SEATS provides human service agency and rural general public transportation for Robeson County residents. The North Carolina Department of Transportation Public Transportation Division, the United States Department of Transportation, and Robeson County provide operating and capital assistance for the program.SEATS has established routes through Robeson County operating from Monday through Friday, 5:30 am to 5:30 pm, SEATS offers out-of-county medical transportation with new expanded areas. Reservations are required for all trips. All of SEATS’ vehicles are (ADA Compliant) accessible to passengers with disabilities. All of SEATS’ vehicles are accessible to passengers with disabilities.
To request service, call SEATS office by 12:00 noon the day before the service request is needed. Reservations are required, therefore, requests for transportation are considered on a first come – first served basis.
Rural general public riders are required to pay a fare of $ 3.00 each time they board a transit vehicle. Passengers whose transportation is sponsored by an agency are not charged a fare. Fare boxes are located on transit vehicles. Transit tickets may be purchased from drivers and the SEATS’ office.
The SEATS Transportation Advisory Council was established to assist SEATS in creating and implementing policies and address financial issues. This meeting is open to the public. If you plan to attend a TAC meeting, contact transit staff for meeting location. to assist SEATS in establishing policies and address financial issues. This meeting is open to the public. If you plan to attend a TAC meeting, contact transit staff for meeting location.
Transportation Advisory Council Board Members
Tom Taylor, Commissioner; Chairman
Fran Ray, Providence Place; Vice-Chairman
Twilla Allen, LRCOG/Area Agency on Aging
Anita McGill, At Large Member
Carla Kinlaw, Rob. Co. Finance Director
Suzanne Jackson, Health Dept.
Dwayne Black, Public Schools of Rob. Co.
Gosnold Floyd Jr., At-Large-Member
Angelo W, Johnson, NC Works
Chris Oxendine, Robeson Co. Veterans Service
Samantha Oxendine, RCC
Chris West, City of Lumberton
Linda Leggett , DSS
Quarterly meetings are held at the Robeson County Community Development 701 N. Elm St. Lumberton, NC 28358
Please contact the SEATS office if you need to contact a member of the Advisory board.
The SEATS Transportation Safety & Review Committee meets every quarter, to address safety issues and review SEATS accidents. The time and location are available upon request.
It is the policy of SEATS to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 49 CPR, Part 21, related statutes and regulations that ensure that no person in the U.S. shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin or disability, be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against should contact the SEATS’ office at (910) 618-5679 or the Office of Civil Rights and Business Development, Title VI unit, at (919) 508-1808.
For reasonable modification Accommodations please contact the SEATS Office.